OMG Hosts Educational Program at the First United Methodist Church VBS Summer Camp

“This amazing piece of art was created for OMG by a very talented local artist Jenna Gridley”
Olivia and Carter were recently invited to teach their Plastic Awareness program to the kids attending this years VBS classes at the Fayetteville First United Methodist Church in Fayetteville GA. Pastor Kristen Heiden and her amazing staff and volunteers host probably one of the areas most popular VBS summer camps. This year our two young founders were invited to share their Plastic Awareness program to all the attending students.
Plastic Awareness Week Program at Riverside Retreat

The “Plastic Awareness Week” program consists of a week long defined set of curriculum which focuses on educating the students about plastic pollution, recycling, and finding alternatives that every family can adopt to make an immediate impact on our dependency to plastic.
OMG Founders Speak at the 2011 UMC Mississippi Annual Conference

Let’s talk about Global Climate Change; did you know that “it is estimated that more than 1/3rd of the Earth’s animal species and almost 20% of the plant species face extinction by 2050 if we maintain our current greenhouse gas trajectory.”
OMG Hosts Fayette Public Library After School Program

Olivia and Carter hosted an Endangered Species educational program for the Fayette Public Library After School Program
OMG Bag Monster Sightings

Below are a few links to the various photo albums we have created on our FaceBook page where you can see what the OMG Bag Monster has been up to. We hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do and if you are interested in having the Bag Monster and our founders attend an event for you, please simply send us a request via email and we will be glad to work with you on the details.
“Bag-It” Movie Premiere at GA Tech Institute

In an effort to raise awareness about the serious issue of Plastic Pollution (and in particular Single-Use Plastic Bags), we have partnered with GA Tech’s Think Green Team and the folks from the GA Tech Surf Club to bring you this award winning documentary which explores how much each of us currently depend on plastic.
Day 5 – Final day of our Plastic Awareness Week

Our goal was to foster a higher sense of awareness among the children and their families about the amount of plastic trash we generate. Our hopes are that children will learn early on about how harmful plastic is and they will grow up supporting change. And hopefully, they might even help their families do the same.
Day 4 of our Plastic Awareness Week

As expected, the number one item amongst all the trash was Single-Use Plastic Bags. The entire wheelbarrow was filled to capacity. The second largest group of trash is water/beverage bottles followed by food packaging i.e. fresh-fruit containers, pre-made salads and lunch trays etc. Lastly, were all the detergent bottles and yogurt cups etc.
Day 3 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

Today was Carter and Olivia’s turn to meet with the two large Primary Student classrooms and they did this all on their own. Mrs. Margaret (Director of our school) picked them both up from their classrooms and escorted them over to speak with all the waiting students.
Day 2 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

When we asked what we could do different to make their learning more enjoyable, the only request we received was that the Plastic Awareness event needs to last an entire month, or even be something that is focused on all year long. You gotta love our youth of today 😉
OMG Founders Launch “Plastic Awareness Week” in School

Plastic Awareness Week tasks all students and families to bring in their plastic trash every day to school. The plastic trash will be collected in a trailer located in the front of the school during the week so each child can watch and see the quick accumulation of plastic trash their small school amasses.
Positively Positive ;-)

A video is Will.i.Am and the Sesame Street Gang from the site Positively Positive. Please check them out. God knows, we could all use some positive news daily.
Kids Are Heroes Day 2010
Kids Are Heroes is an amazing organization dedicated to showcasing amazing kids from around the world and their remarkable causes.
One Day On Earth
OMG will be partnering with the One Day On Earth organization on 10/10/10 to help capture the historic event of the day. OMG will be hosting a “Water Event” at the Fernbank Museum ( on Oct 10th, 2010 where we will be discussing the importance of water on all living things and also partnering with an organization […]