SODA-POP Public Awareness Rally

Did you know that BOEM’s (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) draft 5-year program estimates that only 550 million barrels of oil are available off the South Atlantic Coast? Why should we be drilling for oil when we know how limited the supply is off our waters. Haven’t we had enough of the oil industries “Drill, Spill and Repeat” practices?
Dear President Zuma,

OMG has teamed up with the folks at Rhino SA from South Africa and with the Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots South Africa in an effort to help raise awareness to the dire issue of Rhino Poaching.
Our Oceans Need Us

Since starting OMG, Olivia and Carter have been doing what they could to raise awareness to the issue of Ocean Acidification, Over Fishing and Plastic Pollution in our seas.
Plastic Pollution Everywhere

As you know, OMG is committed to helping to educate communities across the country about the issue of Plastic Pollution so we can start cleaning up our environment for humans and animals alike.
America Idol contestants speak-out against Plastic Pollution

Director/Producer Kate Miller and Mirror Films have created this exclusive video for Plastic Pollution Coalition. All of the Season 10 American Idol Top 11 have generously donated their time and efforts to the REFUSE campaign – a global strategic initiative aimed at inspiring people to end their dependence on disposable plastic.
SHOCKING: The Story of the Bluefin

“Oceana’s report finds that depletion of prey fish may be starving the oceans. You might think of predators eating anything and everything that comes in their path. While this may be true for some species, there are also a large number of predators that specialize on one or two food types that make up the majority of their diets. When overfishing, aquaculture and climate change exhaust these preferred foods, ocean predators and their young suffer and may not survive.”

The impacts of ocean acidification are already impairing waters off the West Coast of the United States; scientists have found corrosive waters all along the coast, from Canada to Mexico. Wild oysters in Washington have failed to reproduce for the past six years, due in large part to acidification. A survey found Puget Sound’s waters are in particular trouble.
2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games

Greener upon Thames is a London, UK based non profit organization campaigning for a ban on plastic bags at the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games at the Olympic Park and all Olympic venues. In the UK over 13 billion plastic bags are used each year, worldwide, that figure is closer to 500 billion and with evidence that plastic is now appearing in our food chain it’s a serious issue. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of animal deaths a year through plastic waste and the littering of our countries.
I Support the “Say No To Plastic Bags” Coalition

Each year an estimated 1-million sea birds and over 100,000 marine mammals die from ingesting plastic. Single use plastic bags end up in our landfills and take over 500 years to decompose.
Tell Congress to protect Sea Turtles

Every year, sea turtles travel thousands of miles to return to the beaches where they were born, to lay eggs and start a new generation. Along the way, they face habitat destruction, plastic pollution, and deadly fishing gear.
Sources of Bird Fatalities

Many birds are killed each year by various forms of human technology and activity. Some of these human-made hazards attract much more attention than do others
Say NO to Sandhill Crane Hunting!

State wildlife agencies in TN and KY are considering allowing hunting of Sandhill Cranes. Both agencies are reviewing the issue and a decision is forthcoming.
Support H.R. 14 Federal Ocean Acidification Act
The ocean absorbs about a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions, which has caused the acidity of the water to rise by 30 percent over the last 250 years. Without intervention, the acidity of the ocean is expected to more than double by 2100.
White Nose Syndrome Spreading across the US
Update to WNS post Jan-26-2011. This comes from our friends at the Center of Biological Diversity: Urgent Action Needed to Protect Western Bats
Save the Sharks

100-MILLION sharks are slaughtered each year to support the growing demand for shark fins. Gordon Ramsay Shark Bait (The Big Fish Fight) Pt-1