Saving Sea Turtles with the help of ‘TED’ and President Obama

Who is TED you say? Well TED is not a person but a nifty device invented to help save sea turtles from getting caught in shrimping nets and drowning. TED stands for Turtle Excluder Device and it is probably one of the sea turtles best friends in the world. What’s a Turtle Excluder Device (TED)? […]
Sophia Academy Features OMG “Plastic Awareness Week” Program

On the first day our two young founders attended the opening ceremonies and even gave a full presentation to the entire student body along with faculty and staff. The main message they have for the students is to show everyone that “Anybody Can Make A Difference”.
OMG Delivers Keynote Speech at 26th Annual ANCA (Association of Nature Center Administrators) Summit

Carter and Olivia’s presentation was one of the best moments in a conference filled with highlights. Their speech and it’s very important message was delivered with confidence, insight and humor-laced style that went well beyond their years.
SODA-POP Public Awareness Rally

Did you know that BOEM’s (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) draft 5-year program estimates that only 550 million barrels of oil are available off the South Atlantic Coast? Why should we be drilling for oil when we know how limited the supply is off our waters. Haven’t we had enough of the oil industries “Drill, Spill and Repeat” practices?
Eco Sense for Living Features OMG’s 1-Million Footprints to Save Africa Campaign

Recently our friends at Eco Sense for Living accompanied Olivia and Carter as they executed their first ever 1,000,000 Footprints to Save Africa Campaign here in the USA.
Plastic Awareness Coalition

Did you know that over 1-million birds and over 100,000 marine animals die each year from ingesting plastic. Sea Turtles and Sea Birds often mistake plastic bags floating in the oceans and on the beaches as jellyfish and end up dying from eating them. When we learned these facts and many more, we decided to launch our “Plastic Awareness Coalition”.
We’ve Got You Covered

We’ve Got You Covered is designed to ignite a spark in youth everywhere and to help them find ways they too can get involved in what moves them to make a difference.
OMG Founders Meet with Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy

OMG has partnered with the folks at TerraMar and Jason Learning in an effort to ensure our curriculum is made available to the largest student audience possible.
Congratulations to OMG Board Member Julie Shimada

Today one of our special board members received recognition for all of her hard work and volunteer hours within her community so we wanted to take a minute to share this great moment with you and to tell her that we too are extremely proud of all her work, and for her commitment to everything she does for us here at OMG.
Interview with Olivia and Carter on National Geographic Website

Check out this great interview Olivia and Carter did for the News Watch blog on the National Geographic website.
OMG Honored with Prestigious Partner of the Year Award from Fulton County School System

The Fulton Education Foundation recently announced that One More Generation was chosen as the 2013 Prestigious Partner of the Year Award.
Jack Johnson Helps OMG Raise Awareness About Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution is considered one of the largest environmental threats to communities and animals around the world.
OMG Founders Meet with Chick-fil-A

Did you know, in the US, we throw away over 500 million plastic straws every day? Learn how the OMG kids are helping to reduce plastic waste by working with corporations such as Chick-fil-A.
Please Switch to More Renewable Energy

As a monopoly, Georgia Power is regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC)- made up of five elected officials. Every three years, Georgia Power is required to file an ‘Integrated Resource Plan’ (IRP) for approval by the PSC.
Elvis Has Left The School

The students from Kelly Mill Elementary School have worked very hard over the past few weeks creating one of the worlds largest paper mache rhinos. They named him Elvis and he is now ready to begin his journey around the world.