Plastic bag killed Beaked Whale

Cetaceans and other marine life regularly mistake plastic bags for jellyfish as the ocean current sometimes forces bags to open and close, mimicking the way a jellyfish swims, whales like Temata will immediately swallow them. Sadly, it’s too late for this whale but hopefully other whales around the Cook Islands will be saved from such an horrendous death – pollution kills.
Plastic… it’s what’s for dinner

Did You Just Eat a Plastic Bag? How Plastic Pollution Has Entered Our Food Chain

What does Plastic have to do with an organization dedicated to the preservation of endangered species? Did you know that the number one item which is polluting our oceans in Plastic Bags? Did you know that America consumes over 1-Billion single use plastic bags each year?
Deepwater Horizon Consolidated Report

It’s been about 6-months since the horrible oil spill in the Gulf. Do you know the total number of Sea Birds and Sea Turtles that were collected “Dead” due to the massive oil leak?
Support H.R. 14 Federal Ocean Acidification Act
The ocean absorbs about a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions, which has caused the acidity of the water to rise by 30 percent over the last 250 years. Without intervention, the acidity of the ocean is expected to more than double by 2100.
One Day On Earth
OMG will be partnering with the One Day On Earth organization on 10/10/10 to help capture the historic event of the day. OMG will be hosting a “Water Event” at the Fernbank Museum ( on Oct 10th, 2010 where we will be discussing the importance of water on all living things and also partnering with an organization […]
OMG Wins Grand Prize in Nestles Heroes Contest
OMG Founders Carter and Olivia recently won the Grand Prize in a Nestles Ice Cream Heroes contest.
Gulf Coast Seabird Rescue – Supply Request
Dear Loyal Supporters, We are in need of some assistance. We are attempting to collect crucial supplies to help with the Seabird/Animal rescue in the gulf.