Bring Your Child to Work Day at Novelis

OMG was invited to participate in the “Bring Your Child to Work Day” at Novelis earlier this week. The event is an annual event which allows Novelis employees to share their work with their families. Kaitlin Kress is the Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator for Novelis and was responsible for coordinating special activities for the kids throughout the day.
OMG/Novelis Recycling Awareness Curriculum Update

Since launching our Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum, we continue to get schools and community organizations around the world expressing interest in adding our program to their educational offerings.
World Parks Congress in Sydney Australia

As we expand our reach on a global basis, we are frequently asked to participate in forums and conferences around the world. Recently our Australian board members were asked to take part in the World Parks Congress in Sydney…
Plastic Awareness Coalition

Did you know that over 1-million birds and over 100,000 marine animals die each year from ingesting plastic. Sea Turtles and Sea Birds often mistake plastic bags floating in the oceans and on the beaches as jellyfish and end up dying from eating them. When we learned these facts and many more, we decided to launch our “Plastic Awareness Coalition”.
Plastic Pollution Solutions
Satilla Riverkeeper, One More Generation and South Georgia State College will present Plastic Pollution Solutions Thursday, Oct. 30 at 5p.m. at the SGSC Waycross Campus Auditorium.
Carpe diem (Seize the moment)
WOW, what a great response, not to mention a perfect example of why we all should ‘Seize the Moment.’ Let’s think about the impact that this change in hotel policy will have on our environment and on future generations.
OMG Founders Meet with Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy

OMG has partnered with the folks at TerraMar and Jason Learning in an effort to ensure our curriculum is made available to the largest student audience possible.
Jack Johnson is teaming up with OMG to protect our oceans
Help us raise funds! Jack Johnson’s charity is matching donations contributed to us at the show or directly to our organization through September 1st, up to a total of $2,500.00
Lighting Recycling Tips

Lighting technology is currently in the midst of revolutionary change. The incandescent light bulbs that were the standard for a century are being phased out in favor of more cost-effective and eco-friendly versions.
Plastic Paradise: A Film Screening with OMG Founders!

OMG cordially invites you to join us for a screening of the award winning documentary, Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Interview with Olivia and Carter on National Geographic Website

Check out this great interview Olivia and Carter did for the News Watch blog on the National Geographic website.
Jack Johnson Helps OMG Raise Awareness About Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution is considered one of the largest environmental threats to communities and animals around the world.
Please Switch to More Renewable Energy

As a monopoly, Georgia Power is regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC)- made up of five elected officials. Every three years, Georgia Power is required to file an ‘Integrated Resource Plan’ (IRP) for approval by the PSC.
OMG Founders Present at the Shandon United Methodist Church

Olivia and Carter were invited to speak at Shandon UMC in Columbia SC over the weekend and we had an amazing group of almost 200 church members join our presentation. The kids delivered a message to the congregation about the need for everyone to get involved with caring for ALL of God’s creations.
OMG Founders Speak at Green Schools National Conference in Denver Colorado

OMG was invited to present our Plastic Awareness Week curriculum program and to take part in a unique forum opportunity labeled Solutions Summits.