OMG Wins 2018 Energy Globe Award

We are so excited to announce that Olivia and Carter have just been announced as the winners in the Energy Globe Awards for their global OneLessStraw Campaign. Carter and Olivia have just been announced as the winners of the Energy Globe World Awards 2018. The event was earlier this month in Iran and televised worldwide. […]
Pangolin Education in Nepal

We wanted to share this amazing story with you from our friend and OMG Board Member Louise Fletcher who besides being our Asian pangolin expert, is also an accomplished artist and full time teacher in the UK, yet her passion for saving pangolins drivers her to take every free moment she can to travel to […]
World Wildlife Day Presentation
OMG partnered with CITES to participate in their World Wildlife Day event. We hosted several school outreach programs which allowed students to learn about pangolins and express their thoughts via art. CITES invited Carter to come and address the UN in New York during the event and to help the UN and all it’s members […]
Global Pangolin Awareness Art Campaign

To commemorate the 2017 World Pangolin Day, Olivia and Carter teamed up with renowned Asian pangolin expert and acclaimed artist Louise Fletcher from the UK and launched their year-long Pangolin Awareness Art Campaign. The goal of the campaign is to use education as a vehicle for change by educating as many people around the world […]
Kids Recycle Day at CHaRM

Since starting OMG back in 2009, Olivia and Carter have established three main divisions within their organization. The first being obviously their Animal Conservation Division which focuses on creating awareness campaigns about endangered species both local and around the world. The second division is their Environmental Conservation Division which focuses on creating environmental awareness and […]
Pangolin Protectors

One of those special people that Olivia and Carter have been working with in Louise Fletcher. Louise lives in the UK but travels frequently to Asia where she works tirelessly on finding ways to save pangolins.
OMG presents TED to Wesley International Academy

You see, here’s the Problem; The U.S. government in 20?? Estimated that over 50,000 endangered and threatened sea turtles are needlessly being killed every year by certain shrimp trawl fishing boats in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.
Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign

Our Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign is designed to get people from all over the world to learn about the issues and show their support by writing letters addressed to the new Indonesian President asking him to please take a strong stand for Orangutan and help us save them for future generations.
Saving Sea Turtles with the help of ‘TED’ and President Obama

Who is TED you say? Well TED is not a person but a nifty device invented to help save sea turtles from getting caught in shrimping nets and drowning. TED stands for Turtle Excluder Device and it is probably one of the sea turtles best friends in the world. What’s a Turtle Excluder Device (TED)? […]
Sophia Academy Features OMG “Plastic Awareness Week” Program

On the first day our two young founders attended the opening ceremonies and even gave a full presentation to the entire student body along with faculty and staff. The main message they have for the students is to show everyone that “Anybody Can Make A Difference”.
Northwood Elementary Hosts OMG Plastic & Recycling Awareness Week

We were very excited last month when the over 700 students at Northwood Elementary school in Roswell GA participated in our week-long Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum!
OMG Delivers Keynote Speech at 26th Annual ANCA (Association of Nature Center Administrators) Summit

Carter and Olivia’s presentation was one of the best moments in a conference filled with highlights. Their speech and it’s very important message was delivered with confidence, insight and humor-laced style that went well beyond their years.
SODA-POP Public Awareness Rally

Did you know that BOEM’s (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) draft 5-year program estimates that only 550 million barrels of oil are available off the South Atlantic Coast? Why should we be drilling for oil when we know how limited the supply is off our waters. Haven’t we had enough of the oil industries “Drill, Spill and Repeat” practices?
Eco Sense for Living Features OMG’s 1-Million Footprints to Save Africa Campaign

Recently our friends at Eco Sense for Living accompanied Olivia and Carter as they executed their first ever 1,000,000 Footprints to Save Africa Campaign here in the USA.
OMG/Novelis Recycling Awareness Curriculum Update

Since launching our Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum, we continue to get schools and community organizations around the world expressing interest in adding our program to their educational offerings.