Plastic Pollution Guide

Check out this informative guide our friends at SLO Active created on Plastic Pollution. It’s comprehensive, intensely detailing the facts and figures of plastic pollution, the impact on our oceans and marine life, and much more. CLICK HERE TO READ THE GUIDE
OMG/Novelis Recycling Awareness Curriculum Update

Since launching our Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum, we continue to get schools and community organizations around the world expressing interest in adding our program to their educational offerings.
Plastic Awareness Coalition

Did you know that over 1-million birds and over 100,000 marine animals die each year from ingesting plastic. Sea Turtles and Sea Birds often mistake plastic bags floating in the oceans and on the beaches as jellyfish and end up dying from eating them. When we learned these facts and many more, we decided to launch our “Plastic Awareness Coalition”.
Lighting Recycling Tips

Lighting technology is currently in the midst of revolutionary change. The incandescent light bulbs that were the standard for a century are being phased out in favor of more cost-effective and eco-friendly versions.
Please Switch to More Renewable Energy

As a monopoly, Georgia Power is regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC)- made up of five elected officials. Every three years, Georgia Power is required to file an ‘Integrated Resource Plan’ (IRP) for approval by the PSC.
Plastic Planet in english by Werner Boote

This documentary covers a lot of information but is well worth the time to view it. Much of what is covered has been reported in part by other organizations but this group did a good job trying to piece the parts of the puzzle together in a way that makes sense:
Our Oceans Need Us

Since starting OMG, Olivia and Carter have been doing what they could to raise awareness to the issue of Ocean Acidification, Over Fishing and Plastic Pollution in our seas.
Plastic Pollution Everywhere

As you know, OMG is committed to helping to educate communities across the country about the issue of Plastic Pollution so we can start cleaning up our environment for humans and animals alike.
Every Day Should Be Earth-Day

Ever since we were down in the Gulf during the BP oil spill where we first learned about Plastic Pollution, OMG founders Olivia and Carter have been doing everything they can to share their knowledge on the issue while trying to encourage others to get involved.
Is ocean garbage killing whales?

Body of a dead humpback whale is seen in Omonville-la-Rogue, north-west France, a rare species to the Channel. A French fishermen brought the whale back in his nets, saying that it was already dead from ingesting plastic debris when it was caught in the nets. (AFP Photo)
What To Do When Your Dog Just Has To Go?

Oxo Biodegradable (OXO) plastic is polyolefin plastic to which has been added amounts of metal salts. These catalyze the natural degradation process to speed it up so that the OXO plastic will degrade resulting in micro-fragments of plastic and metals which will remain in the environment but will not be seen as a visual contaminant. The degradation process is shortened from hundreds of years to years and/or months for degradation and thereafter biodegradation depends on the micro-organisms in the environment.
“Marine Life Facing Mass Extinction, report says” (IPSO) Report

Marine life is under severe threat from global warming, pollution and habitat loss, with a high risk of “major extinctions” according to a panel of experts.
Surfing For Change: Where is Away, Solving Plastic Pollution in 4 minutes

Since starting our “Say No To Plastic Bags” Coalition, we are constantly looking for more ways to help educate communities about the harm of plastic and in particular about America’s addiction to single use plastic bags.
What do those “Recycle” numbers on plastic really mean anyway?

We have all been taught by the plastic industry that the symbol means the plastic can be recycled and that it is safe for use in our households. The reality is unfortunately different. Although arguably, all plastics are “Recyclable” the reality is that unless a recycler can find a buyer of the used plastic, it too will end up in our landfill.
OMG Bag Monster Sightings

Below are a few links to the various photo albums we have created on our FaceBook page where you can see what the OMG Bag Monster has been up to. We hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do and if you are interested in having the Bag Monster and our founders attend an event for you, please simply send us a request via email and we will be glad to work with you on the details.