UN/GRASP Conference in Jakarta Postponed

Olivia and Carter were invited to present the thousands of letters we have been collecting as part of our Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign to the Indonesian government during the UN/GRASP conference this coming Nov. Unfortunately, the event has been postponed until sometime next year. http://www.un-grasp.org/3rd-grasp-council-postponed-to-2017/ That being said, we are still collecting letters and are […]
Sophia Academy Features OMG “Plastic Awareness Week” Program

On the first day our two young founders attended the opening ceremonies and even gave a full presentation to the entire student body along with faculty and staff. The main message they have for the students is to show everyone that “Anybody Can Make A Difference”.
World Parks Congress in Sydney Australia

As we expand our reach on a global basis, we are frequently asked to participate in forums and conferences around the world. Recently our Australian board members were asked to take part in the World Parks Congress in Sydney…
Three Dot Dash Global Teen Leadership Summit 2014
Carter was one of 30 teen leaders chosen from around the world to participate in the GTL (Global Teen Leadership) Summit in New York City which was hosted by the folks at Three Dot Dash and the We Are Family Foundation. Here are two videos about the summit and about the very successful ‘Mentorship’ program […]
Carpe diem (Seize the moment)
WOW, what a great response, not to mention a perfect example of why we all should ‘Seize the Moment.’ Let’s think about the impact that this change in hotel policy will have on our environment and on future generations.
Jack Johnson is teaming up with OMG to protect our oceans
Help us raise funds! Jack Johnson’s charity is matching donations contributed to us at the show or directly to our organization through September 1st, up to a total of $2,500.00
OMG Honored with Prestigious Partner of the Year Award from Fulton County School System

The Fulton Education Foundation recently announced that One More Generation was chosen as the 2013 Prestigious Partner of the Year Award.
Elvis Has Left The School

The students from Kelly Mill Elementary School have worked very hard over the past few weeks creating one of the worlds largest paper mache rhinos. They named him Elvis and he is now ready to begin his journey around the world.
OMG Founders on the Steve Harvey Show

Meet two extraordinary kids who are making a difference in the lives of endangered animals around the world – they’re Steve’s latest “Harvey’s Heroes”!
Northwood Elementary School Attempts To Set A World Record To Save Rhinos

The students at Northwood Elementary will be attempting to break the current world record by creating the worlds largets human animal sculpture.
OMG Founders Present at the Shandon United Methodist Church

Olivia and Carter were invited to speak at Shandon UMC in Columbia SC over the weekend and we had an amazing group of almost 200 church members join our presentation. The kids delivered a message to the congregation about the need for everyone to get involved with caring for ALL of God’s creations.
Chattahoochee Nature Center 10th Annual Captain Planet Earth Day Kids Fest

OMG had several volunteers on hand to help spread the word about our Plastic Awareness Week curriculum program and we were sincerely overwhelmed by the amount of interest from families, students and even teachers and church groups.
OMG Founders Speak at the 2012 Caring for Creation Conference

The event offered over 20 workshops on topics such as “A Biblical Theological Foundation for Creation Care” to “Faith Principles of Creation Care” and, of course, our specialty “Environmental Stewardship”.
OMG Founders Speak at Green Schools National Conference in Denver Colorado

OMG was invited to present our Plastic Awareness Week curriculum program and to take part in a unique forum opportunity labeled Solutions Summits.
OMG Joins Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta for their EPA Event

If you would like to learn more about OMG’s environmental education program, our Plastic Awareness Week curriculum program, or about our Plastic Awareness Coalition, please send us an email of give us a call.