World Parks Congress in Sydney Australia

World Parks Congress in Sydney Australia

As we expand our reach on a global basis, we are frequently asked to participate in forums and conferences around the world. Recently our Australian board members were asked to take part in the World Parks Congress in Sydney…

OMG Founders on the Steve Harvey Show

OMG Founders on the Steve Harvey Show

Meet two extraordinary kids who are making a difference in the lives of endangered animals around the world – they’re Steve’s latest “Harvey’s Heroes”!

Northwood Elementary School Attempts To Set A World Record To Save Rhinos

Northwood Elementary School Attempts To Set A World Record To Save Rhinos

The students at Northwood Elementary will be attempting to break the current world record by creating the worlds largets human animal sculpture.

OMG Founders are Winners in the Toyota 100 Cars For Good Program

Posted on Jul 1, 2012 in Articles, OMG News, Youth Empowerment
OMG Founders are Winners in the Toyota 100 Cars For Good Program

We Won!!! Thanks to the support from all our amazing friends and fans, OMG actually won the Toyota 100 Cars For Good Program

Every Day Should Be Earth-Day

Every Day Should Be Earth-Day

Ever since we were down in the Gulf during the BP oil spill where we first learned about Plastic Pollution, OMG founders Olivia and Carter have been doing everything they can to share their knowledge on the issue while trying to encourage others to get involved.

Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative

Posted on Jun 7, 2011 in Articles
Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative

Ecological research of keystone species generates information to guide habitat conservation initiatives, as well as to promote education and local community participation. This will then lead to landscape conservation efforts that will ultimately influence decision- and policy-making. The research and conservation of keystone species can help design the necessary steps to safeguard a biome and influence policy-making. Tapirs are such a keystone species.