Day 3 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

Day 3 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

Today was Carter and Olivia’s turn to meet with the two large Primary Student classrooms and they did this all on their own. Mrs. Margaret (Director of our school) picked them both up from their classrooms and escorted them over to speak with all the waiting students.

Trivia question for Mar-23-2011

Posted on Mar 23, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-23-2011

The tiger is the largest of the four “big cats”. The tiger is native to much of eastern and southern Asia, and is an apex predator. The larger tiger subspecies can reach up to 11 ft in total length, weighing up to 660 pounds, and having canines up to 4 inches long.

Day 2 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

Day 2 of Our Plastic Awareness Week

When we asked what we could do different to make their learning more enjoyable, the only request we received was that the Plastic Awareness event needs to last an entire month, or even be something that is focused on all year long. You gotta love our youth of today 😉

Trivia question for Mar-22-2011

Posted on Mar 22, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-22-2011

These lizards use a combination of colour and physical displays, namely “push ups”, head-hobbing, and gaping of the mouth to communicate and defend their territory.

OMG Founders Launch “Plastic Awareness Week” in School

OMG Founders Launch “Plastic Awareness Week” in School

Plastic Awareness Week tasks all students and families to bring in their plastic trash every day to school. The plastic trash will be collected in a trailer located in the front of the school during the week so each child can watch and see the quick accumulation of plastic trash their small school amasses.

Trivia question for Mar-21-2011

Posted on Mar 21, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-21-2011

These guys are one of the worlds heaviest flying birds. They display spectacular courtship performances on open plains and which can be seen as far as two miles away and they are even sometimes mistaken as a flock of sheep.

Trivia question for Mar-20-2011

Posted on Mar 20, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-20-2011

These fish are able to change their color which allows them to become almost invisible to unsuspecting prey.

Trivia question for Mar-19-2011

Posted on Mar 19, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-19-2011

These are one of the few spiders who don’t spin webs to catch prey. These guys are robust and agile hunters with good eyesight. They live mostly solitary lives and hunt alone.

Trivia question for Mar-18-2011

Posted on Mar 18, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-18-2011

In 1981, 70,000 of its skins were exported to Germany alone. Although it appears to be plentiful in central regions, including Bolivia, where it is the second most common cat after the ocelot, it is considered to be endangered in regions such as southern Chile.

Trivia question for Mar-17-2011

Posted on Mar 17, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-17-2011

These guys rely on their acute sense of smell to locate its prey on nocturnal hunting expeditions. They typically kill poultry but also prey on household pests such as rodents.

Trivia question for Mar-16-2011

Posted on Mar 16, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-16-2011

The Common Octopus hunts at dusk. Crabs, crayfish and bivalve mollusks (two-shelled molluscs such as cockles) are preferred, although the octopus will eat almost anything it can catch.

Trivia question for Mar-15-2011

Posted on Mar 15, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-15-2011

They hunt at night and spend the day roosting on a dead log or tree branch close to the tree trunk. Their camouflage is excellent — staying very still and upright, they look just like part of the branch

Trivia question for Mar-14-2011

Posted on Mar 14, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-14-2011

The british population of these guys has fallen by over 90% over the last 50 years, mainly because of poisoning by domestic wood preservative chemicals and agricultural pesticides.

Trivia question for Mar-13-2011

Posted on Mar 13, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-13-2011

So fierce are these guys that according to local farmers, the only way a jaguar will even consider trying to kill on of these is when they are not near a group.

Killer Plastic Bags Choke Rare Leatherback Sea Turtle

Killer Plastic Bags Choke Rare Leatherback Sea Turtle

THE NIGHTMARE of human pollution was exposed for all to see today when Phuket veterinarians cut open a giant leatherback turtle in a post mortem.

Inside the stomach, the cause of the wonderful creature’s death became apparent. Six plastic bags obstructed the 15-year-old turtle’s digestive system, preventing food from being absorbed.