Lewa Matunda

The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, or Lewa, focuses on protecting endangered species, like rhinos, and making sure that surrounding communities benefit from helping to protect the wildlife and ecosystems
OMG Founders Speak at the 2012 Caring for Creation Conference

The event offered over 20 workshops on topics such as “A Biblical Theological Foundation for Creation Care” to “Faith Principles of Creation Care” and, of course, our specialty “Environmental Stewardship”.
OMG Founders Present to the St. Paul UMC in SC

OMG’s message to the congregation is one of hope. We outline why each church community should reevaluate their current program offerings to ensure we are all focusing on the fact that as stewards of God’s creations it is up to use to protect the earth and all He has given to us.
Big Cat Rescue Needs Your Help

Big Cat Rescue’s mission is to provide the best possible home for the animals in their care and try to stop the flow of exotic cats needing sanctuary by educating the public about the plight of the animals and supporting stronger laws to protect them. The non-profit organization is: Accredited by the Global Federation of Sanctuaries, Certified by Independent Charities of America as a “Best in America Charity”, a Member of the WorldSociety for Protection of Animals, Rated 4 Stars (highest rating) by Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management.
OMG Founders Speak at the 2011 UMC Mississippi Annual Conference

Let’s talk about Global Climate Change; did you know that “it is estimated that more than 1/3rd of the Earth’s animal species and almost 20% of the plant species face extinction by 2050 if we maintain our current greenhouse gas trajectory.”
OMG Hosts Fayette Public Library After School Program

Olivia and Carter hosted an Endangered Species educational program for the Fayette Public Library After School Program
I Support the “Say No To Plastic Bags” Coalition

Each year an estimated 1-million sea birds and over 100,000 marine mammals die from ingesting plastic. Single use plastic bags end up in our landfills and take over 500 years to decompose.
Day 5 – Final day of our Plastic Awareness Week

Our goal was to foster a higher sense of awareness among the children and their families about the amount of plastic trash we generate. Our hopes are that children will learn early on about how harmful plastic is and they will grow up supporting change. And hopefully, they might even help their families do the same.
Day 4 of our Plastic Awareness Week

As expected, the number one item amongst all the trash was Single-Use Plastic Bags. The entire wheelbarrow was filled to capacity. The second largest group of trash is water/beverage bottles followed by food packaging i.e. fresh-fruit containers, pre-made salads and lunch trays etc. Lastly, were all the detergent bottles and yogurt cups etc.
“Say No To Plastic Bags”… Please!

We learned that the number one pollutant item in our oceans was plastic, and that plastic accounts for the death of over 1-million birds and over 100,000 marine animals including Sea Turtles, Seals and fish.
Sources of Bird Fatalities

Many birds are killed each year by various forms of human technology and activity. Some of these human-made hazards attract much more attention than do others