International Conference and Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action

I am very pleased to report that I recently presented at the POP (Protect Our Planet) International Conference and Festival on Climate Change which was held in Mexico during August 19-20, 2019. Here is more about the event: We are very privileged to collaborate in this festival with several partners in Mexico as well as […]
Billions to be gained in coral reef investment, new analysis shows

New findings released offer a compelling business case for investing in the protection of the world’s coral reefs, with economic benefits stretching into the tens of billions in just over a decade.
How Plastic Production is Contributing to Climate Change

It’s bad enough that we are producing more plastic than can ever be recycled, now we learned that the plastic that ends up in our oceans is directly contributing to climate change by the production of methane and ethylene… Check out the latest student from PLOS ONE Abstract Mass production of plastics started nearly 70 years ago and […]
The Oceans Are Getting More Acidic…Here’s What You Need To Know
by John Hawthorne, MoBox Marine Right now, the world is teetering on an abyss of sorts. Scientists, in general, are starting to believe that we’re in the middle of an extinction level event; the sort of catastrophe that wiped the dinosaurs off the planet. What is this traumatic event? What sort of catastrophe are we […]
Our Oceans Need Us

Since starting OMG, Olivia and Carter have been doing what they could to raise awareness to the issue of Ocean Acidification, Over Fishing and Plastic Pollution in our seas.