Trivia question for May-11-2011

Posted on May 11, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-11-2011

This species is popular among amateur entomologists and is often reared from eggs or cocoons that are available from commercial sources. They are also known to fly mainly at night.

Trivia question for May-10-2011

Posted on May 10, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-10-2011

One of the major differences between domesticated and wild camels of this species is the ability of these wild camels to drink saltwater slush, although it is not yet certain the camel can extract useful water from it. Domesticated camels do not attempt to drink salt water, though the reason is unknown

Trivia question for May-09-2011

Posted on May 9, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-09-2011

These guys are similar in appearance to a deer, weighing 150–300 kg (330–660 lb). It is most closely allied to the larger Asiatic buffaloes, showing the same reversal of the direction of the hair on the back.

Oceana “Ocean Hero” Awards

Posted on May 9, 2011 in Articles, OMG News
Oceana “Ocean Hero” Awards

It’s Official, Carter and Olivia just received an email stating that we did not win the Oceana “Oceans Hero” Award. We were so excited and honored to even have been chosen as finalists. There were apparently hundreds of nominations from all over the country and the judges picked 6 adults and 6-kids as their finalists.

Trivia question for May-08-2011

Posted on May 8, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-08-2011

These guys have no fear of humans and it is common for it to approach them closely, particularly on Rottnest Island. It is, however, illegal for members of the public on Rottnest Island to handle the animals in any way. An infringement notice carrying a A$300 fine can be issued by the Rottnest Island Authority for such behavior.

iMatter March – May 8, 2011

Posted on May 8, 2011 in Articles, OMG News, Video
iMatter March – May 8, 2011

What is an iMatter March you ask? A global youth march to let the world know that climate change is a moral issue — not a political or financial one. By marching in the streets, the youth of this world will let the leaders know that we matter and we need our whole society to reduce emissions and live as if our future matters!

Trivia question for May-07-2011

Posted on May 7, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-07-2011

These guys are skilled divers that can sink beneath the water surface like a stone and rise again like a cork. They nest in dense marsh vegetation near water. The female builds her nest out of grass, locating it in tall vegetation to hide it from predators.

Trivia question for May-06-2011

Posted on May 6, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-06-2011

Most species have long, spirally curved abdomens, which are soft, unlike the hard, calcified abdomens seen in related crustaceans. The vulnerable abdomen is protected from predators by a salvaged empty seashell carried by these crabs, into which its whole body can retract.

OMG Hosts Fayette Public Library After School Program

OMG Hosts Fayette Public Library After School Program

Olivia and Carter hosted an Endangered Species educational program for the Fayette Public Library After School Program

Trivia question for May-05-2011

Posted on May 5, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-05-2011

These toads are the most evolutionarily distinct amphibian species on Earth today; a fruit bat, polar bear, killer whale, kangaroo and human are all more similar to one another than this species is to any other amphibian.

Trivia question for May-04-2011

Posted on May 4, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-04-2011

In the early 20th century, there were only about 1,000 of these guys left due to over hunting. They were given total protection in the early 1900 which helped bring the species back to around 2-million. After Russia broke up, poachers moved in and now again they are back on the critically endangered list with only about 50,000 remaining today.

Trivia question for May-03-2011

Posted on May 3, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-03-2011

When chased by predators a herd will stick close together and make it hard for the predators to pick off one member. Calves are gathered in the middle. Buffalo will try to rescue a member that has been caught. A calf’s distress call will get the attention of not only the mother but also the herd. Buffalo will engage in mobbing behavior when fighting off predators. They have been recorded treeing lions for two hours, after the lions have killed a member of their group.

Trivia question for May-02-2011

Posted on May 2, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-02-2011

The word “orangutan” comes from the Malay words “orang” (man) and “(h)utan” (forest); hence, “man of the forest”.

Trivia question for May-01-2011

Posted on May 1, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for May-01-2011

Only the flesh of young specimens is valued as food. It is palatable when they weigh less than 33 lb. Larger than this size, the fish is highly fatty and not recommended for consumption. The eggs are poisonous and should not be consumed.

Trivia question for Apr-30-2011

Posted on Apr 30, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Apr-30-2011

These are small but powerfull aquatic predators capable of killing prey several times larger than itself.