OMG Partners with Green Planet Straws and is Featured in Regeneration In Action

In the March 2019 RiA article, Three Steps to Straw Integrity, Elemental Impact (Ei), in partnership with Ei Strategic Ally One More Generation (OMG), announced the Three-Step Straw Initiative (TSSI).
The Power To Affect Change

With us using plastic cups and straws, coupled with the sight of rubbish on the beaches casts a negative perception on our operations…
Sophia Academy Features OMG “Plastic Awareness Week” Program

On the first day our two young founders attended the opening ceremonies and even gave a full presentation to the entire student body along with faculty and staff. The main message they have for the students is to show everyone that “Anybody Can Make A Difference”.
Northwood Elementary Hosts OMG Plastic & Recycling Awareness Week

We were very excited last month when the over 700 students at Northwood Elementary school in Roswell GA participated in our week-long Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum!
Bring Your Child to Work Day at Novelis

OMG was invited to participate in the “Bring Your Child to Work Day” at Novelis earlier this week. The event is an annual event which allows Novelis employees to share their work with their families. Kaitlin Kress is the Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator for Novelis and was responsible for coordinating special activities for the kids throughout the day.
Plastic Awareness Coalition

Did you know that over 1-million birds and over 100,000 marine animals die each year from ingesting plastic. Sea Turtles and Sea Birds often mistake plastic bags floating in the oceans and on the beaches as jellyfish and end up dying from eating them. When we learned these facts and many more, we decided to launch our “Plastic Awareness Coalition”.
Plastic Pollution Solutions
Satilla Riverkeeper, One More Generation and South Georgia State College will present Plastic Pollution Solutions Thursday, Oct. 30 at 5p.m. at the SGSC Waycross Campus Auditorium.
OMG Founders Meet with Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy

OMG has partnered with the folks at TerraMar and Jason Learning in an effort to ensure our curriculum is made available to the largest student audience possible.
Plastic Paradise: A Film Screening with OMG Founders!

OMG cordially invites you to join us for a screening of the award winning documentary, Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Jack Johnson Helps OMG Raise Awareness About Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution is considered one of the largest environmental threats to communities and animals around the world.
OMG Founders Meet with Chick-fil-A

Did you know, in the US, we throw away over 500 million plastic straws every day? Learn how the OMG kids are helping to reduce plastic waste by working with corporations such as Chick-fil-A.
NPR Radio Interview

Recently Olivia and Carter were invited to WABE/90.1 FM where they were interviewed by their Morning Host Steve Goss.
Plastic Planet in english by Werner Boote

This documentary covers a lot of information but is well worth the time to view it. Much of what is covered has been reported in part by other organizations but this group did a good job trying to piece the parts of the puzzle together in a way that makes sense:
OMG Pumpkin Carving Contest

That means that over 473 million pounds of individually wrapped candy is sold for Halloween and most is wrapped in some sort of plastic that will never be recycled
Plastic Pollution Everywhere

As you know, OMG is committed to helping to educate communities across the country about the issue of Plastic Pollution so we can start cleaning up our environment for humans and animals alike.