Trivia question for Feb-13-2011

Posted on Feb 13, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-13-2011

These guys are fiercely territorial cats ranging over Western Asia and Africa. Their name comes from a Turkish word which means “Black Ears”.

Trivia question for Feb-12-2011

Posted on Feb 12, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-12-2011

These guys spend the majority of their lives in water. Since they lack vocal cords, they use a bony rod located in their larynx to make clicking sounds in order to attack a mate. While mating, male and female cling to each other while somersaulting through the water.

Trivia question for Feb-11-2011

Posted on Feb 11, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-11-2011

This grey-colored, giant-eyed creature may appear amazingly cute at first glance but you should beware. In fact it is the world’s only primate capable of delivering toxin into your body.

Trivia question for Feb-10-2011

Posted on Feb 10, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-10-2011

Considered the smallest bird in the world, these guys are even smaller than some day-flying moth species. These guys are only found in two distinct location in the world.

Trivia question for Feb-09-2011

Posted on Feb 9, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-09-2011

In their homeland, commercial farming for their meat and skin is allowed, which has actually reduced the pressures of possible extinction.

Trivia question for Feb-08-2011

Posted on Feb 8, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-08-2011

These guys are among the largest reptiles. The largest of their kind ever caught was found in india measuring over 23-feet in length.

Trivia question for Feb-07-2011

Posted on Feb 7, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-07-2011

When the cousins of these insects are rolled-up, most reach a maximum size of a cherry or golf ball, but this species (from Madagascar) can even reach the size of a baseball.

Trivia question for Feb-06-2011

Posted on Feb 6, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-06-2011

This fish is a scaleless fish and a bottom dweller. The head is large and the mouth has comb-like teeth. The eyes are set up high on the head. Its pectoral fins are broad and rounded allowing them to prop itself up on its fins while sitting on the bottom.

Sources of Bird Fatalities

Sources of Bird Fatalities

Many birds are killed each year by various forms of human technology and activity. Some of these human-made hazards attract much more attention than do others

Trivia question for Feb-05-2011

Posted on Feb 5, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-05-2011

This magnificent looking cat has the ability to jump 7-feet into the air from a seated position in an effort to catch game-birds in flight. In the 19th century, this species was wiped out from most of Europe due to hunting for its fur and because it preyed on game and domestic animals.

Trivia question for Feb-04-2011

Posted on Feb 4, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-04-2011

The particular species remains one of the world’s rarest mammals. In 1997 there were so few numbers of these guys left that managers took the bold step of capturing some to create a “genetic lifeboat” and therefore create the possibility of restoring wild populations.

Trivia question for Feb-03-2011

Posted on Feb 3, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-03-2011

Because of their long reproductive cycle, long migrations, and sensitivity to environmental conditions, many of these species are under severe threat from overfishing, poaching, water pollution and damming of rivers. According to the IUCN, over 85% of these species are classified as at risk of extinction, making them more critically endangered than any other group of species.

Trivia question for Feb-02-2011

Posted on Feb 2, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-02-2011

This bumpy looking specimen is quite unique. The croak from the male can be heard as far as 1-mile away. They have very short legs and therefore can not jump like their cousins, but instead, they can actually run.

Trivia question for Feb-01-2011

Posted on Feb 1, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-01-2011

This is a fearsome predator capable of taking down prey up to 30-times it’s weight. They hunt in well organized packs and have even been known to steal the catch of Tigers.

Trivia question for Jan-31-2011

Posted on Jan 31, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Jan-31-2011

This bird derives its name from its monotonous two-syllable call. They undertake two long migrations each year and some are blown off course and have turned up in Greenland, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Australia and the U.S.