Plastic Paradise: A Film Screening with OMG Founders!

OMG cordially invites you to join us for a screening of the award winning documentary, Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
SHOCKING: The Story of the Bluefin

“Oceana’s report finds that depletion of prey fish may be starving the oceans. You might think of predators eating anything and everything that comes in their path. While this may be true for some species, there are also a large number of predators that specialize on one or two food types that make up the majority of their diets. When overfishing, aquaculture and climate change exhaust these preferred foods, ocean predators and their young suffer and may not survive.”

The impacts of ocean acidification are already impairing waters off the West Coast of the United States; scientists have found corrosive waters all along the coast, from Canada to Mexico. Wild oysters in Washington have failed to reproduce for the past six years, due in large part to acidification. A survey found Puget Sound’s waters are in particular trouble.
“Bag-It” Movie Premiere at GA Tech Institute

In an effort to raise awareness about the serious issue of Plastic Pollution (and in particular Single-Use Plastic Bags), we have partnered with GA Tech’s Think Green Team and the folks from the GA Tech Surf Club to bring you this award winning documentary which explores how much each of us currently depend on plastic.