Plastic Planet in english by Werner Boote

Plastic Planet in english by Werner Boote

This documentary covers a lot of information but is well worth the time to view it. Much of what is covered has been reported in part by other organizations but this group did a good job trying to piece the parts of the puzzle together in a way that makes sense:

OMG Video

Posted on Jun 21, 2010 in Articles, Video

Click on either of the video links to access our OMG Educational Video.  The first one is what we have on YouTube and the second one (scroll down to view) is for all our Overseas visitors.  Please help spread the word by liking this video on YouTube and sharing it with your friends: [youtube 60plQRy_4L8] This version […]


Posted on May 31, 2010 in Articles, Cheetahs

With the latest count, it is estimated that Cheetah’s may be extinct from the wild in as little as 15 to 20 years. Your support can help make sure they stay around for a long time.