Mountain Gorilla

OMG, did you know… the gorilla’s only known enemies are leopards and humans. Crocodiles are potentially dangerous to lowland gorillas. In western Africa, gorillas are commonly hunted for meat or in retaliation for crop raiding, but in eastern Africa they have been the victims of snares and traps set for antelope and other animals. Poachers […]
15th CITES Conference Coverage
Coverage of the 15th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) two weeks of debate and voting on trade in endangered animals. From tuna to elephants, from tigers to sharks, 23,000 species come under the spotlight. [youtube 4JWi-iyrDAo]
New OMG Website!
Welcome to our new website! This site was made possible by the countless (FREE) hours generously donated by: J. Ryan Williams who is the Principal/Director of Websuasion, LLC — offering web development, content production, technical consultation and brand strategy for commercial businesses, non-profit institutions and government agencies. With over a decade of web development experience […]