Trivia question for Mar-10-2011

Posted on Mar 10, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-10-2011

There are nearly 50 species of seahorse. They are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world. They prefer to live in sheltered areas such as seagrass beds, coral reefs, or mangroves.

Trivia question for Mar-09-2011

Posted on Mar 9, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-09-2011

Their scarlet red faces are due to the lack of skin pigments and plentiful capillaries that run under their facial tissue. These guys live in nomadic troops spending their lives high above the quagmire of the swamped rainforest, as they constantly search for the best fruit trees.

Trivia question for Mar-08-2011

Posted on Mar 8, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-08-2011

Although they are not an endangered species, they do face risks in Russia by a particular predator. Concern also exists about the threat of pesticides and pollution. Rivers in industry areas are often used as dumping grounds and toxic chemicals, gradually enter the food chain, accumulating in fish and invertebrates that make up this birds prey base.

Trivia question for Mar-07-2011

Posted on Mar 7, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-07-2011

Leatherbacks are the largest living sea turtle in the world with unique soft shells. Their body temperature stays several degrees above that of seawater, allowing the turtle to penetrate deep into cool ocean waters.

Trivia question for Mar-06-2011

Posted on Mar 6, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-06-2011

In areas where the population is predominantly Muslim, these guys are seldom hunted for food, as their physical similarity to pigs has made their meat a taboo, but in some regions they are hunted for sport or shot accidentally when mistaken for other animals.

Trivia question for Mar-05-2011

Posted on Mar 5, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-05-2011

The main threat they face is deforestation but as long as selective logging practices continue, their resourcefulness should allow them to prosper.

Trivia question for Mar-04-2011

Posted on Mar 4, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-04-2011

These guys get their name from the fleshy upper lips and hanging folds of facial skin, which make them resemble a different animal. They are expert predators that actually hunt over water, emitting high-frequency sound pulses to detect prey.

Trivia question for Mar-03-2011

Posted on Mar 3, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-03-2011

Although they are considered to be dangerous and one of the ugliest of all fishes, they are harvested for human consumption and are considered a delicacy in several countries.

Trivia question for Mar-02-2011

Posted on Mar 2, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-02-2011

As a defensive mechanism these guys are able to secret a blistering agent which is a poisonous chemical that causes blistering of the skin.

Trivia question for Mar-01-2011

Posted on Mar 1, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Mar-01-2011

The inner toe of these birds has evolved into a long “dagger-like” claw which makes it a formidable weapon. They are experts at camouflaging their nests, so much so that they are rarely ever found.

Trivia question for Feb-28-2011

Posted on Feb 28, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-28-2011

In 1988 these guys were classified as “Vulnerable” because there were only an estimated 15,000 left. Today there are even fewer around. Communication between members of their groups is done with facial expressions and with a series of “hoots” which are used to “talk”.

Trivia question for Feb-27-2011

Posted on Feb 27, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-27-2011

They have been completely wiped out in certain parts of their natural habitat due to the high demand for their fur. Their lifespan is a mere 6-years and they typically have between 3 to 7 young each year starting at the age of around 9-months.

Trivia question for Feb-26-2011

Posted on Feb 26, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-26-2011

These insects spend over 3 years as a fierce predator before spinning itself into a cocoon, to later develop into a winged adult.

Trivia question for Feb-25-2011

Posted on Feb 25, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-25-2011

These guys have a high casuality rate due to thermal shock from cold temperatures. During cold weather many die due to their digestive tract shutting down at water temperatures below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Trivia question for Feb-24-2011

Posted on Feb 24, 2011 in Trivia
Trivia question for Feb-24-2011

They live in colonies and dig burrows into the silty soil of the grasslands in South Africa. There name comes from their habit of sitting at the burrow entrance and facing the sun.