UN/GRASP Conference in Jakarta Postponed

Olivia and Carter were invited to present the thousands of letters we have been collecting as part of our Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign to the Indonesian government during the UN/GRASP conference this coming Nov. Unfortunately, the event has been postponed until sometime next year. http://www.un-grasp.org/3rd-grasp-council-postponed-to-2017/ That being said, we are still collecting letters and are […]
Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign

Our Orangutan Letter Writing Campaign is designed to get people from all over the world to learn about the issues and show their support by writing letters addressed to the new Indonesian President asking him to please take a strong stand for Orangutan and help us save them for future generations.
Bring Your Child to Work Day at Novelis

OMG was invited to participate in the “Bring Your Child to Work Day” at Novelis earlier this week. The event is an annual event which allows Novelis employees to share their work with their families. Kaitlin Kress is the Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator for Novelis and was responsible for coordinating special activities for the kids throughout the day.
Apps for Apes (A4A)

Would you ever consider giving an orangutan your iPad? Well that is exactly what we are asking you to do. That’s right, we are asking everyone to consider supporting an amazing orangutan enrichment program called Apps for Apes.

The impacts of ocean acidification are already impairing waters off the West Coast of the United States; scientists have found corrosive waters all along the coast, from Canada to Mexico. Wild oysters in Washington have failed to reproduce for the past six years, due in large part to acidification. A survey found Puget Sound’s waters are in particular trouble.
Make or break year for earth’s species
Biodiversity | 18.01.2010 Orangutans are just one of the more visible species at risk of extinction in the wild.