Trivia question for Feb-21-2011

Posted on Feb 21, 2011 in Trivia

Well it’s Olivia’s turn today and of-course she picked a species who is cute both as a baby, and as a grown up.  So here goes:  This species has a very peculiar name.  The are found in all regions around Antarctica and are large in numbers.  This seals face has been compared to that of a cat due to a short mouth line and similarities in the structure of the nose and whiskers.   Its their upturned mouths that give them the appearance of smiling.

These seals gather in small groups around cracks and holes in the ice.  This animal can also be found in large groups on ice attached to the continent and can be easily approached by humans.   In the winter months they stay in the water to avoid blizzards, with only their heads poking through breathing holes in the ice.  These guys eat an array of fish, krill, squid, bottom-feeding prawns, cephalopods, crustaceans and sometimes penguins.   A sedentary adult will eat around 22 lb. a day, while an active adult will eat over 110 lb. a day

So here are her questions:  What is the name of this seal, how did it get its name, and approximately how many are estimated to be in the wild?

Good Luck 😉


Congratulations goes to Gina for being the first with the correct answer.  Not only was she first, she also answered all the questions correctly.  Great job!  The furry little friend we featured is in fact the Weddell Seal which is a relatively large and abundant true seal with a circumpolar distribution surrounding Antarctica.

The Weddell Seal was discovered and named in the 1820s during expeditions led by James Weddell, the British sealing captain, to the parts of the Southern Ocean now known as the Weddell Sea.

It is estimated that there are approximately 800,000 individuals today.  Here is more on these cute friendly little guys: Weddell Seal

Thanks for playing along 😉