Kid Power!!!
Kid Power!!!
Last week we taught our weeklong Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum at Jackson Elementary School in Atlanta and we included our OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign.
All 600 students signed the pledge and also asked their parents to consider signing as well. One students in particular (Preston Hill) took our campaign to the next level and decided to introduce it to people and restaurants in his community. Check out the pictures his mom just shared with us and see her comments about what Preston had done:

Preston getting the manager at his local Arby’s to sign the OneLessStraw Pledge. Photo provided by Preston’s mom 😉
“Here are pictures of Preston capturing signatures/pledges after asking the managers at McDonalds, Arby’s, Goldbergs, Willys, and the Cheeseburger Bobbys to not use plastic straws for a week or at least one day in their stores. He got the managers of McDonalds and Arby’s to personally pledge (although they couldn’t speak on behalf of the corporations), and was waiting to hear back from the other restaurants tomorrow.
He is VERY proud of himself and he did a great job making his presentation on why it’s important to use less straws”.

Preston getting the manager at a local McDonalds to sign the OneLessStraw Pledge. Photo provided by Preston’s mom 😉
We are so proud of Preston for his passion and commitment and commend him for all his hard work. We also wish to thank Preston’s family for supporting him and allowing him to make a difference in his community.
Preston is proof that “Anybody can make a difference… if Preston can, so can you 😉
Preston went back to Goldbergs Bagels and the manager there did pledge to serve straws only if asked.  Here is a picture of Preston with the manager at the restaurant.
#JacksonElementary #1LessStraw #PlasticStrawsSuck#PlasticPollution #MakingADifference #McDonalds #Arbys#Goldbergs #Willys #CheeseburgerBobbys #PrestonHill#GARestaurantAssociation #GoldbergsBagelsÂ