OMG Founders Meet with Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy


Olivia and Carter were invited back to the State Department to meet with Under Secretary Catherine Novelli to present our Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum. Last month the kids attended the “Our Oceans” conference and suggested that education be included in the State Departments oceans strategy. Under Secretary Novelli was intrigued and asked the kids to come and elaborate more on their work.10372541_835789759778202_1278357494174044370_n

OMG has partnered with the folks at TerraMar and Jason Learning in an effort to ensure our curriculum is made available to the largest student audience possible. Together we will be launching an exciting new way for students to learn about the issue of plastic pollution in a fun and interactive platform. Stay tuned to more on the partnership and on the Department of State’s involvement. To learn more about TerraMar and Jason learning, please visit their websites here:
1921958_835789853111526_7533995768588854131_nTo learn more about Under Secretary Novelli, check out the following link:

We wish to thank Sally Yozell and Catherine Novelli for taking the time to meet with all of us and for their enthusiasm about our program.

To view all the pictures from this event, check out our OMG FaceBook page here.