OMG in the News – Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup
Check out the latest initiative with which One More Generation is involved as reported by 11 Alive news in Atlanta:
By now, anyone following the horror in the Gulf of Mexico has seen the heartbreaking video of marine animals coated in oil.
Story number seven, tonight, is about two exceptional young people in Fayetteville turning their passion for endangered species into a campaign to save animals who are
victims of the spill.
Seven year old Olivia Ries is reading from a flip card with her eight year old brother Carter.
“It is estimated that over one hundred million of us are killed each year” she reads.
Olivia and Carter are playing a game…with a serious message.
They created these flip cards and hope to get Georgia schools to use them. The cards will teach students about endangered animals.
“We heard that animals were about to be extinct” said Carter. “So we really didn’t want that to happen….so…our children will be able to see those animals.”
Eight year old Carter and seven year old Olivia went to their parents and asked what they could do.
“It really bothered them” noted their father Jim. “Olivia started crying a lot. Carter had tears in his eyes. And my wife and i noticed that they kept saying the letters OMG…Oh my God…Oh my God.”
Carter said he wanted to save the animals for one more generation…and “OMG” was born.
They developed a DVD and website…where people can donate or buy “OMG” paraphernalia.
“We can bring that…give that… money to different organizations” said Carter, “that will help those animals.”
When Carter and Olivia saw the scenes from the Gulf oil spill they knew they had to do something.
“All the birds that are coming down are getting all sticky with oil” said carter. “And they could go under. And they can’t breathe. Or they might die.”
“OMG” is partnering with three animal rescue groups already working in the gulf. Now “OMG” wants to rally their local supermarkets and fix-it stores.
“…and see if we can’t get them to partner with us and create a collections system” said Jim Ries, “where patrons from those different locations can go in and help give us the supplies that we need so that we can bring that down there.”
Jim Ries is calling stores and mailing letters describing the campaign and listing the needed items.
In two weeks, “OMG” will drive to the gulf.
“Drop off the stuff to the other people” carter Ries said, “so they can give it to the people that need the supplies so they can clean the animals.”
We adults haven’t done the best job of protecting the planet for the next generation.
Carter and Olivia Ries figure they’d better do it themselves.
Brother, 8, Sister , 7, Start Campaign To Save Gulf Animals
Posted By – Marc Pickard
Last Updated On: 6/17/2010 5:40:51 PM