Robyn is nine years old and lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her Mom, Dad, three cats and hamster. Robyn loves all animals and is passionate about caring for them and the environment. She wants to study veterinary science when she leaves school as long as her career involves working with animals. A born leader, according to her teachers and mentors, Robyn sets very high standards for herself and takes any task assigned to her seriously.

Olivia and Carter recently met with Robyn and her family while in South Africa and immediately knew they needed to have her as part of our organization. Robyn’s passion and sincere desire to want to make a difference is exactly what helped found OMG and we are so pleased to have her onboard. Robyn will be helping to continue our children’s educational programs in South Africa in an effort to educate kids all over the world about the need to get involved with helping to save animals and clean up our environment.